package net.pterodactylus.sone.template import import net.pterodactylus.sone.core.Core import import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.FreemailPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.FreenetLinkPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.LinkPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.Part import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.PartContainer import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.PlainTextPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.PostPart import net.pterodactylus.sone.text.SonePart import net.pterodactylus.util.template.HtmlFilter import net.pterodactylus.util.template.TemplateContext import net.pterodactylus.util.template.TemplateContextFactory import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.`is` import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder import org.jsoup.Jsoup import org.jsoup.nodes.Attribute import org.jsoup.nodes.Element import org.jsoup.nodes.TextNode import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.`when` import /** * Unit test for [RenderFilter]. */ class RenderFilterTest { companion object { private const val FREEMAIL_ID = "t4dlzfdww3xvsnsc6j6gtliox6zaoak7ymkobbmcmdw527ubuqra" private const val SONE_FREEMAIL = "sone@$FREEMAIL_ID.freemail" private const val SONE_IDENTITY = "nwa8lHa271k2QvJ8aa0Ov7IHAV-DFOCFgmDt3X6BpCI" private const val POST_ID = "37a06250-6775-4b94-86ff-257ba690953c" } private val core = mock() private val templateContextFactory = TemplateContextFactory() private val templateContext: TemplateContext private val sone = setupSone(SONE_IDENTITY, "Sone", "First") private val parameters = mutableMapOf() init { templateContextFactory.addFilter("html", HtmlFilter()) templateContext = templateContextFactory.createTemplateContext() } private val filter = RenderFilter(core, templateContextFactory) @Test fun `plain text part is rendered correctly`() { assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("plain text")), `is`("plain text")) } private fun renderParts(vararg part: Part) = filter.format(templateContext, listOf(*part), parameters) as String @Test fun `plain text part is shortened if length exceeds maxl ength`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `plain text part is not shortened if length does not exceed max length`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(20, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `short parts are not shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This.")), `is`("This.")) } @Test fun `multiple plain text parts are shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This "), PlainTextPart("is a long text.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `parts after length has been reached are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), PlainTextPart(" And even more.")), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `link parts are not shortened`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) val linkNode = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.", false))).body().child(0) verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet", "KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.") } @Test fun `additional link parts are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "This is a long text.", false)), `is`("This is a …")) } private fun setLengthAndCutOffLength(length: Int, cutOffLength: Int) { parameters.put("length", length) parameters.put("cut-off-length", cutOffLength) } @Test fun `sone parts are added but their length is ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) val body = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(renderParts(SonePart(sone), PlainTextPart("This is a long text."))).body() val linkNode = body.childNode(0) as Element println(linkNode) verifyLink(linkNode, "viewSone.html?sone=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", "First", "First") assertThat((body.childNode(1) as TextNode).text(), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `additional sone parts are ignored`() { setLengthAndCutOffLength(15, 10) assertThat(renderParts(PlainTextPart("This is a long text."), SonePart(sone)), `is`("This is a …")) } @Test fun `freenet link is rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt", false)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet", "KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt") } private fun verifyLink(linkNode: Element, url: String, cssClass: String, tooltip: String, text: String) { assertThat(linkNode.nodeName(), `is`("a")) assertThat>(linkNode.attributes().asList(), containsInAnyOrder( Attribute("href", url), Attribute("class", cssClass), Attribute("title", tooltip) )) assertThat(linkNode.text(), `is`(text)) } @Test fun `trusted freenet link is rendered with correct css class`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreenetLinkPart("KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt", true)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/KSK@gpl.txt", "freenet-trusted", "KSK@gpl.txt", "gpl.txt") } private fun String.toLinkNode() = Jsoup.parseBodyFragment(this).body().child(0) @Test fun `internet link is rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(LinkPart("", "")).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/external-link/?_CHECKED_HTTP_=${URLEncoder.encode("", "UTF-8")}", "internet", "", "") } @Test fun `sone parts are rendered correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(SonePart(sone)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewSone.html?sone=" + SONE_IDENTITY, "in-sone", "First", "First") } private fun setupSone(identity: String, name: String?, firstName: String): Sone { val sone = mock() `when`( `when`(sone.profile).thenReturn(Profile(sone)) `when`( sone.profile.firstName = firstName `when`(core.getSone(identity)).thenReturn(Optional.of(sone)) return sone } @Test fun `sone part with unknown sone is rendered as link to web of trust`() { val sone = setupSone(SONE_IDENTITY, null, "First") val linkNode = renderParts(SonePart(sone)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/WebOfTrust/ShowIdentity?id=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", SONE_IDENTITY, SONE_IDENTITY) } @Test fun `post part is cut off correctly when there are spaces`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "1234 678901 345 789012 45678 01.") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "1234 678901 345…") } private fun setupPost(sone: Sone, value: String): Post { val post = mock() `when`( `when`(post.sone).thenReturn(sone) `when`(post.text).thenReturn(value) return post } @Test fun `post part is cut off correctly when there are no spaces`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "1234567890123456789012345678901.") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "12345678901234567890…") } @Test fun `post part shorter than 21 chars is not cut off`() { val post = setupPost(sone, "12345678901234567890") val linkNode = renderParts(PostPart(post)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "viewPost.html?post=$POST_ID", "in-sone", "First", "12345678901234567890") } @Test fun `multiple parts are rendered correctly`() { val parts = PartContainer() parts.add(PlainTextPart("te")) parts.add(PlainTextPart("xt")) assertThat(renderParts(parts), `is`("text")) } @Test fun `freemail address is displayed correctly`() { val linkNode = renderParts(FreemailPart("sone", FREEMAIL_ID, SONE_IDENTITY)).toLinkNode() verifyLink(linkNode, "/Freemail/NewMessage?to=$SONE_IDENTITY", "in-sone", "First\n$SONE_FREEMAIL", "sone@First.freemail") } }