package net.pterodactylus.sone.test import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.utils.* import net.pterodactylus.util.web.* import org.hamcrest.* import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* fun hasHeader(name: String, value: String) = object : TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher
() { override fun matchesSafely(item: Header, mismatchDescription: Description) = compare(, { it.equals(name, ignoreCase = true) }) { mismatchDescription.appendText("name is ").appendValue(it) } ?: compare(item.hasValue(value), { it }) { mismatchDescription.appendText("does not have value ").appendValue(value) } ?: true override fun describeTo(description: Description) { description.appendText("name is ").appendValue(name) .appendText(", value is ").appendValue(value) } } fun compare(value: T, comparison: (T) -> Boolean, onError: (T) -> Unit) = false.takeUnless { comparison(value) } ?.also { onError(value) } fun isEmptyMap() = object : TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher>() { override fun describeTo(description: Description) { description.appendText("empty map") } override fun matchesSafely(item: Map, mismatchDescription: Description) = item.isEmpty().onFalse { mismatchDescription.appendText("was ").appendValue(item) } } fun isTrust(trust: Int?, score: Int?, rank: Int?) = AttributeMatcher("trust") .addAttribute("trust", trust, Trust::explicit) .addAttribute("score", score, Trust::implicit) .addAttribute("rank", rank, Trust::distance) fun isTrusted(ownIdentity: OwnIdentity, trust: Matcher) = object : TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher() { override fun matchesSafely(item: Identity, mismatchDescription: Description) = item.getTrust(ownIdentity)?.let { foundTrust -> trust.matches(foundTrust).onFalse { trust.describeMismatch(foundTrust, mismatchDescription) } } ?: { mismatchDescription.appendText("not trusted") false }() override fun describeTo(description: Description) { description .appendText("trusted by ").appendValue(ownIdentity) .appendText(" with ").appendValue(trust) } } fun isIdentity(id: String, nickname: String, requestUri: String, contexts: Matcher>, properties: Matcher>) = AttributeMatcher("identity") .addAttribute("id", id, Identity::getId) .addAttribute("nickname", nickname, Identity::getNickname) .addAttribute("requestUri", requestUri, Identity::getRequestUri) .addAttribute("contexts", Identity::getContexts, contexts) .addAttribute("properties", Identity::getProperties, properties) fun isOwnIdentity(id: String, nickname: String, requestUri: String, insertUri: String, contexts: Matcher>, properties: Matcher>) = AttributeMatcher("own identity") .addAttribute("id", id, OwnIdentity::getId) .addAttribute("nickname", nickname, OwnIdentity::getNickname) .addAttribute("request uri", requestUri, OwnIdentity::getRequestUri) .addAttribute("insert uri", insertUri, OwnIdentity::getInsertUri) .addAttribute("contexts", OwnIdentity::getContexts, contexts) .addAttribute("properties", OwnIdentity::getProperties, properties) /** * [TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher] implementation that aims to cut down boilerplate on verifying the attributes * of typical container objects. */ class AttributeMatcher(private val objectName: String) : TypeSafeDiagnosingMatcher() { private data class AttributeToMatch( val name: String, val getter: (T) -> V, val matcher: Matcher ) private val attributesToMatch = mutableListOf>() /** * Adds an attribute to check for equality, returning `this`. */ fun addAttribute(name: String, expected: V, getter: (T) -> V): AttributeMatcher = apply { attributesToMatch.add(AttributeToMatch(name, getter, describedAs("$name %0", equalTo(expected), expected))) } /** * Adds an attribute to check with the given [hamcrest matcher][Matcher]. */ fun addAttribute(name: String, getter: (T) -> V, matcher: Matcher) = apply { attributesToMatch.add(AttributeToMatch(name, getter, matcher)) } override fun describeTo(description: Description) { attributesToMatch.forEachIndexed { index, attributeToMatch -> if (index == 0) { description.appendText("$objectName with ") } else { description.appendText(", ") } attributeToMatch.matcher.describeTo(description) } } override fun matchesSafely(item: T, mismatchDescription: Description): Boolean = attributesToMatch.fold(true) { matches, attributeToMatch -> if (!matches) { false } else { if (!attributeToMatch.matcher.matches(attributeToMatch.getter(item))) { mismatchDescription.appendText("but ${} ") attributeToMatch.matcher.describeMismatch(attributeToMatch.getter(item), mismatchDescription) false } else { true } } } }