package net.pterodactylus.sone.web import import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.fcp.FcpInterface.FullAccessRequired import net.pterodactylus.sone.fcp.FcpInterface.FullAccessRequired.WRITING import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever import net.pterodactylus.sone.web.WebTestUtils.redirectsTo import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.GET import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.POST import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.hasItem import org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test /** * Unit test for [OptionsPage]. */ class OptionsPageTest : WebPageTest() { private val page = OptionsPage(template, webInterface) @Before fun setupPreferences() { core.preferences.insertionDelay = 1 core.preferences.charactersPerPost = 50 core.preferences.fcpFullAccessRequired = WRITING core.preferences.imagesPerPage = 4 core.preferences.isFcpInterfaceActive = true core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true core.preferences.negativeTrust = 7 core.preferences.positiveTrust = 8 core.preferences.postCutOffLength = 51 core.preferences.postsPerPage = 10 core.preferences.trustComment = "11" } @Before fun setupSoneOptions() { whenever(currentSone.options).thenReturn(DefaultSoneOptions().apply { isAutoFollow = true isShowNewPostNotifications = true isShowNewReplyNotifications = true isShowNewSoneNotifications = true isSoneInsertNotificationEnabled = true loadLinkedImages = FOLLOWED showCustomAvatars = FOLLOWED }) } @Test fun `get request stores all preferences in the template context`() { request("", GET) page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["auto-follow"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-sones"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-posts"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-replies"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["enable-sone-insert-notifications"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["load-linked-images"], equalTo("FOLLOWED")) assertThat(templateContext["show-custom-avatars"], equalTo("FOLLOWED")) assertThat(templateContext["insertion-delay"], equalTo(1)) assertThat(templateContext["characters-per-post"], equalTo(50)) assertThat(templateContext["fcp-full-access-required"], equalTo(1)) assertThat(templateContext["images-per-page"], equalTo(4)) assertThat(templateContext["fcp-interface-active"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["require-full-access"], equalTo(true)) assertThat(templateContext["negative-trust"], equalTo(7)) assertThat(templateContext["positive-trust"], equalTo(8)) assertThat(templateContext["post-cut-off-length"], equalTo(51)) assertThat(templateContext["posts-per-page"], equalTo(10)) assertThat(templateContext["trust-comment"], equalTo("11")) } @Test fun `get request without sone does not store sone-specific preferences in the template context`() { request("", GET) unsetCurrentSone() page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["auto-follow"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-sones"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-posts"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["show-notification-new-replies"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["enable-sone-insert-notifications"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["load-linked-images"], nullValue()) assertThat(templateContext["show-custom-avatars"], nullValue()) } private fun verifyThatOptionCanBeSet(option: String, setValue: Any?, expectedValue: T, getter: () -> T) { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("show-custom-avatars", "ALWAYS") addHttpRequestParameter("load-linked-images", "ALWAYS") addHttpRequestParameter(option, setValue.toString()) expectedException.expect(redirectsTo("options.html")) try { page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) } finally { assertThat(getter(), equalTo(expectedValue)) } } @Test fun `auto-follow option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("auto-follow", "checked", true) { currentSone.options.isAutoFollow } } @Test fun `show new sone notification option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("show-notification-new-sones", "checked", true) { currentSone.options.isShowNewSoneNotifications } } @Test fun `show new post notification option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("show-notification-new-posts", "checked", true) { currentSone.options.isShowNewPostNotifications } } @Test fun `show new reply notification option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("show-notification-new-replies", "checked", true) { currentSone.options.isShowNewReplyNotifications } } @Test fun `enable sone insert notifications option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("enable-sone-insert-notifications", "checked", true) { currentSone.options.isSoneInsertNotificationEnabled } } @Test fun `load linked images option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("load-linked-images", "TRUSTED", TRUSTED) { currentSone.options.loadLinkedImages } } @Test fun `show custom avatar option can be set`() { verifyThatOptionCanBeSet("show-custom-avatars", "TRUSTED", TRUSTED) { currentSone.options.showCustomAvatars } } private fun verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected(name: String, value: String) { unsetCurrentSone() request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter(name, value) page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["fieldErrors"] as Iterable<*>, hasItem(name)) } private fun verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet(name: String, setValue: String?, expectedValue: T, getter: () -> T) { unsetCurrentSone() request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter(name, setValue) expectedException.expect(redirectsTo("options.html")) try { page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) } finally { assertThat(getter(), equalTo(expectedValue)) } } @Test fun `insertion delay can not be set to less than 0 seconds`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("insertion-delay", "-1") } @Test fun `insertion delay can be set to 0 seconds`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("insertion-delay", "0", 0) { core.preferences.insertionDelay } } @Test fun `setting insertion to an invalid value will reset it`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("insertion-delay", "foo", 60) { core.preferences.insertionDelay } } @Test fun `characters per post can not be set to less than -1`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("characters-per-post", "-2") } @Test fun `characters per post can be set to -1`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("characters-per-post", "-1", -1) { core.preferences.charactersPerPost } } @Test fun `characters per post can not be set to 0`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("characters-per-post", "0") } @Test fun `characters per post can not be set to 49`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("characters-per-post", "49") } @Test fun `characters per post can be set to 50`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("characters-per-post", "50", 50) { core.preferences.charactersPerPost } } @Test fun `fcp full acess required option can be set to always`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-full-access-required", "2", FullAccessRequired.ALWAYS) { core.preferences.fcpFullAccessRequired } } @Test fun `fcp full acess required option can be set to writing`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-full-access-required", "1", FullAccessRequired.WRITING) { core.preferences.fcpFullAccessRequired } } @Test fun `fcp full acess required option can be set to no`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-full-access-required", "0", FullAccessRequired.NO) { core.preferences.fcpFullAccessRequired } } @Test fun `fcp full acess required option is not changed if invalid value is set`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-full-access-required", "foo", FullAccessRequired.WRITING) { core.preferences.fcpFullAccessRequired } } @Test fun `images per page can not be set to 0`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("images-per-page", "0") } @Test fun `images per page can be set to 1`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("images-per-page", "1", 1) { core.preferences.imagesPerPage } } @Test fun `images per page is set to 9 if invalid value is requested`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("images-per-page", "foo", 9) { core.preferences.imagesPerPage } } @Test fun `fcp interface can be set to true`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-interface-active", "checked", true) { core.preferences.isFcpInterfaceActive } } @Test fun `fcp interface can be set to false`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("fcp-interface-active", null, false) { core.preferences.isFcpInterfaceActive } } @Test fun `require full access can be set to true`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("require-full-access", "checked", true) { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess } } @Test fun `require full access can be set to false`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("require-full-access", null, false) { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess } } @Test fun `negative trust can not be set to -101`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("negative-trust", "-101") } @Test fun `negative trust can be set to -100`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("negative-trust", "-100", -100) { core.preferences.negativeTrust } } @Test fun `negative trust can be set to 100`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("negative-trust", "100", 100) { core.preferences.negativeTrust } } @Test fun `negative trust can not be set to 101`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("negative-trust", "101") } @Test fun `negative trust is set to default on invalid value`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("negative-trust", "invalid", -25) { core.preferences.negativeTrust } } @Test fun `positive trust can not be set to -1`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("positive-trust", "-1") } @Test fun `positive trust can be set to 0`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("positive-trust", "0", 0) { core.preferences.positiveTrust } } @Test fun `positive trust can be set to 100`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("positive-trust", "100", 100) { core.preferences.positiveTrust } } @Test fun `positive trust can not be set to 101`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("positive-trust", "101") } @Test fun `positive trust is set to default on invalid value`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("positive-trust", "invalid", 75) { core.preferences.positiveTrust } } @Test fun `post cut off length can not be set to -49`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("post-cut-off-length", "-49") } @Test fun `post cut off length can be set to 50`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("post-cut-off-length", "50", 50) { core.preferences.postCutOffLength } } @Test fun `post cut off length is set to default on invalid value`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("post-cut-off-length", "invalid", 200) { core.preferences.postCutOffLength } } @Test fun `posts per page can not be set to 0`() { verifyThatWrongValueForPreferenceIsDetected("posts-per-page", "-49") } @Test fun `posts per page can be set to 1`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("posts-per-page", "1", 1) { core.preferences.postsPerPage } } @Test fun `posts per page is set to default on invalid value`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("posts-per-page", "invalid", 10) { core.preferences.postsPerPage } } @Test fun `trust comment can be set`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("trust-comment", "trust", "trust") { core.preferences.trustComment } } @Test fun `trust comment is set to default when set to empty value`() { verifyThatPreferencesCanBeSet("trust-comment", "", "Set from Sone Web Interface") { core.preferences.trustComment } } }