package net.pterodactylus.sone.web import import net.pterodactylus.sone.main.SonePlugin import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever import import net.pterodactylus.util.notify.Notification import net.pterodactylus.util.template.TemplateContext import net.pterodactylus.util.version.Version import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.GET import org.hamcrest.Matcher import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.anyOf import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.verify /** * Unit test for [SoneTemplatePage]. */ class SoneTemplatePageTest : WebPageTest() { // @get:JvmName("getPage1") private val page = object : SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, webInterface, true) {} @Test fun `current sone is retrieved from web interface`() { assertThat(page.getCurrentSone(toadletContext), equalTo(currentSone)) } @Test fun `retrieving current sone without creation is forwarded to web interface`() { mock().let { whenever(webInterface.getCurrentSoneWithoutCreatingSession(toadletContext)).thenReturn(it) assertThat(page.getCurrentSoneWithoutCreatingSession(toadletContext), equalTo(it)) } } @Test fun `setting the current sone is forwarded to web interface`() { mock().let { page.setCurrentSone(toadletContext, it) verify(webInterface).setCurrentSone(toadletContext, it) } } @Test fun `page title is empty string if no page title key was given`() { SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, null, webInterface).let { page -> assertThat(page.getPageTitle(freenetRequest), equalTo("")) } } @Test fun `page title is retrieved from l10n if page title key is given`() { SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, "page.title", webInterface).let { page -> whenever(l10n.getString("page.title")).thenReturn("Page Title") assertThat(page.getPageTitle(freenetRequest), equalTo("Page Title")) } } @Test fun `additional link nodes contain open search link`() { addHttpRequestHeader("Host", "") assertThat(page.getAdditionalLinkNodes(freenetRequest), contains(mapOf( "rel" to "search", "type" to "application/opensearchdescription+xml", "title" to "Sone", "href" to "" ))) } @Test fun `style sheets contains sone CSS file`() { assertThat(page.styleSheets, contains("css/sone.css")) } @Test fun `shortcut icon is the sone icon`() { assertThat(page.shortcutIcon, equalTo("images/icon.png")) } @Test fun `page requires login if require login was specified in the constructor`() { SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, webInterface, true).let { page -> assertThat(page.requiresLogin(), equalTo(true)) } } @Test fun `page does not require login if require login was not specified in the constructor`() { SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, webInterface, false).let { page -> assertThat(page.requiresLogin(), equalTo(false)) } } private fun verifyVariableIsSet(name: String, value: Any) = verifyVariableMatches(name, equalTo(value)) private fun verifyVariableMatches(name: String, matcher: Matcher) { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") assertThat(templateContext[name] as T, matcher) } @Test fun `core is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("core", core) } @Test fun `current sone is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("currentSone", currentSone) } @Test fun `local sones are set in template context`() { val localSones = listOf(mock(), mock()) whenever(core.localSones).thenReturn(localSones) verifyVariableMatches("localSones", containsInAnyOrder(*localSones.toTypedArray())) } @Test fun `freenet request is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("request", freenetRequest) } @Test fun `current version is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("currentVersion", SonePlugin.getPluginVersion()) } @Test fun `has latest version is set correctly in template context if true`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.hasLatestVersion()).thenReturn(true) verifyVariableIsSet("hasLatestVersion", true) } @Test fun `has latest version is set correctly in template context if false`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.hasLatestVersion()).thenReturn(false) verifyVariableIsSet("hasLatestVersion", false) } @Test fun `latest edition is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestEdition).thenReturn(1234L) verifyVariableIsSet("latestEdition", 1234L) } @Test fun `latest version is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestVersion).thenReturn(Version(1, 2, 3)) verifyVariableIsSet("latestVersion", Version(1, 2, 3)) } @Test fun `latest version time is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestVersionDate).thenReturn(12345L) verifyVariableIsSet("latestVersionTime", 12345L) } private fun createNotification(time: Long) = mock().apply { whenever(createdTime).thenReturn(time) } @Test fun `notifications are set in template context`() { val notifications = listOf(createNotification(3000), createNotification(1000), createNotification(2000)) whenever(webInterface.getNotifications(currentSone)).thenReturn(notifications) verifyVariableMatches("notifications", contains(notifications[1], notifications[2], notifications[0])) } @Test fun `notification hash is set in template context`() { val notifications = listOf(createNotification(3000), createNotification(1000), createNotification(2000)) whenever(webInterface.getNotifications(currentSone)).thenReturn(notifications) verifyVariableIsSet("notificationHash", listOf(notifications[1], notifications[2], notifications[0]).hashCode()) } @Test fun `handleRequest method is called`() { var called = false val page = object : SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, webInterface, true) { override fun handleRequest(request: FreenetRequest, templateContext: TemplateContext) { called = true } } page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(called, equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `redirect does not happen if login is not required`() { val page = SoneTemplatePage("page.html", template, webInterface, false) assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `redirect does not happen if sone is logged in`() { assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `redirect does happen if sone is not logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() request("index.html", GET) assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), equalTo("login.html?target=index.html")) } @Test fun `redirect does happen with parameters encoded correctly if sone is not logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() request("index.html", GET) addHttpRequestParameter("foo", "b=r") addHttpRequestParameter("baz", "q&o") assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), anyOf( equalTo("login.html?target=index.html%3Ffoo%3Db%253Dr%26baz%3Dq%2526o"), equalTo("login.html?target=index.html%3Fbaz%3Dq%2526o%26foo%3Db%253Dr") )) } @Test fun `full access requirement is correctly forwarded from the preferences if false`() { assertThat(page.isFullAccessOnly, equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `full access requirement is correctly forwarded from the preferences if true`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true assertThat(page.isFullAccessOnly, equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is disabled if full access is required but request does not have full access`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is disabled if login is required but there is no current sone`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if login is required and there is a current sone`() { assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if full access is required and request has full access and login is required and there is a current sone`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if no full access is required and login is not required`() { SoneTemplatePage("path.html", template, webInterface, false).let { page -> assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } } }