package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.getInstance import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever import net.pterodactylus.sone.web.baseInjector import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.POST import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.never import org.mockito.Mockito.verify /** * Unit test for [EditProfilePage]. */ class EditProfilePageTest: WebPageTest(::EditProfilePage) { private val profile = Profile(currentSone) private val firstField = profile.addField("First Field") private val secondField = profile.addField("Second Field") @Before fun setupProfile() { val avatar = mock() whenever("image-id") whenever(avatar.sone).thenReturn(currentSone) profile.firstName = "First" profile.middleName = "Middle" profile.lastName = "Last" profile.birthDay = 31 profile.birthMonth = 12 profile.birthYear = 1999 profile.setAvatar(avatar) whenever(currentSone.profile).thenReturn(profile) } @Test fun `page returns correct path`() { assertThat(page.path, equalTo("editProfile.html")) } @Test fun `page requires login`() { assertThat(page.requiresLogin(), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page returns correct title`() { whenever(l10n.getString("Page.EditProfile.Title")).thenReturn("edit profile page title") assertThat(page.getPageTitle(freenetRequest), equalTo("edit profile page title")) } @Test fun `get request stores fields of current sone’s profile in template context`() { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["firstName"], equalTo("First")) assertThat(templateContext["middleName"], equalTo("Middle")) assertThat(templateContext["lastName"], equalTo("Last")) assertThat(templateContext["birthDay"], equalTo(31)) assertThat(templateContext["birthMonth"], equalTo(12)) assertThat(templateContext["birthYear"], equalTo(1999)) assertThat(templateContext["avatarId"], equalTo("image-id")) assertThat(templateContext["fields"], equalTo(listOf(firstField, secondField))) } @Test fun `post request without any command stores fields of current sone’s profile in template context`() { setMethod(POST) page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["firstName"], equalTo("First")) assertThat(templateContext["middleName"], equalTo("Middle")) assertThat(templateContext["lastName"], equalTo("Last")) assertThat(templateContext["birthDay"], equalTo(31)) assertThat(templateContext["birthMonth"], equalTo(12)) assertThat(templateContext["birthYear"], equalTo(1999)) assertThat(templateContext["avatarId"], equalTo("image-id")) assertThat(templateContext["fields"], equalTo(listOf(firstField, secondField))) } private fun verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged(fieldName: String, newValue: T, expectedValue: T = newValue, fieldAccessor: () -> T) { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("save-profile", "true") addHttpRequestPart(fieldName, newValue.toString()) verifyRedirect("editProfile.html") { verify(currentSone).profile = profile verify(core).touchConfiguration() assertThat(fieldAccessor(), equalTo(expectedValue)) } } @Test fun `post request with new first name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("first-name", "New First") { profile.firstName } } @Test fun `post request with new middle name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("middle-name", "New Middle") { profile.middleName } } @Test fun `post request with new last name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("last-name", "New Last") { profile.lastName } } @Test fun `post request with new birth day and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-day", 1) { profile.birthDay } } @Test fun `post request with new birth month and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-month", 1) { profile.birthMonth } } @Test fun `post request with new birth year and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-year", 1) { profile.birthYear } } @Test fun `post request with new avatar ID and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val newAvatar = mock() whenever(newAvatar.sone).thenReturn(currentSone) whenever("avatar-id") addImage("avatar-id", newAvatar) verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("avatarId", "avatar-id") { profile.avatar } } @Test fun `post request with field value saves profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val field = profile.addField("name") field.value = "old" verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("field-${}", "new") { profile.getFieldByName("name")!!.value } } @Test fun `post request with field value saves filtered value to profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val field = profile.addField("name") field.value = "old" addHttpRequestHeader("Host", "") verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("field-${}", "", "KSK@GPL.txt") { profile.getFieldByName("name")!!.value } } @Test fun `adding a field with a duplicate name sets error in template context`() { setMethod(POST) profile.addField("new-field") addHttpRequestPart("add-field", "true") addHttpRequestPart("field-name", "new-field") page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["fieldName"], equalTo("new-field")) assertThat(templateContext["duplicateFieldName"], equalTo(true)) verify(core, never()).touchConfiguration() } @Test fun `adding a field with a new name sets adds field to profile and redirects to profile edit page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("add-field", "true") addHttpRequestPart("field-name", "new-field") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.getFieldByName("new-field"), notNullValue()) verify(currentSone).profile = profile verify(core).touchConfiguration() } } @Test fun `deleting a field redirects to delete field page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("delete-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("deleteProfileField.html?field=${}") } @Test fun `moving a field up moves the field up and redirects to the edit profile page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("move-up-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.fields, contains(secondField, firstField)) verify(currentSone).profile = profile } } @Test fun `moving an invalid field up does not redirect`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("move-up-field-foo", "true") page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) } @Test fun `moving a field down moves the field down and redirects to the edit profile page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("move-down-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.fields, contains(secondField, firstField)) verify(currentSone).profile = profile } } @Test fun `moving an invalid field down does not redirect`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("move-down-field-foo", "true") page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) } @Test fun `editing a field redirects to the edit profile page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("edit-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfileField.html?field=${}") } @Test fun `page can be created by dependency injection`() { assertThat(baseInjector.getInstance(), notNullValue()) } }