package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages import import import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever import net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages.EditProfilePage import net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages.WebPageTest import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.GET import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.POST import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.notNullValue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.never import org.mockito.Mockito.verify /** * Unit test for [EditProfilePage]. */ class EditProfilePageTest : WebPageTest() { private val page = EditProfilePage(template, webInterface) private val profile = Profile(currentSone) private val firstField = profile.addField("First Field") private val secondField = profile.addField("Second Field") override fun getPage() = page @Before fun setupProfile() { val avatar = mock() whenever("image-id") whenever(avatar.sone).thenReturn(currentSone) profile.firstName = "First" profile.middleName = "Middle" profile.lastName = "Last" profile.birthDay = 31 profile.birthMonth = 12 profile.birthYear = 1999 profile.setAvatar(avatar) whenever(currentSone.profile).thenReturn(profile) } @Test fun `get request stores fields of current sone’s profile in template context`() { request("", GET) page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["firstName"], equalTo("First")) assertThat(templateContext["middleName"], equalTo("Middle")) assertThat(templateContext["lastName"], equalTo("Last")) assertThat(templateContext["birthDay"], equalTo(31)) assertThat(templateContext["birthMonth"], equalTo(12)) assertThat(templateContext["birthYear"], equalTo(1999)) assertThat(templateContext["avatarId"], equalTo("image-id")) assertThat(templateContext["fields"], equalTo(listOf(firstField, secondField))) } @Test fun `post request without any command stores fields of current sone’s profile in template context`() { request("", POST) page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["firstName"], equalTo("First")) assertThat(templateContext["middleName"], equalTo("Middle")) assertThat(templateContext["lastName"], equalTo("Last")) assertThat(templateContext["birthDay"], equalTo(31)) assertThat(templateContext["birthMonth"], equalTo(12)) assertThat(templateContext["birthYear"], equalTo(1999)) assertThat(templateContext["avatarId"], equalTo("image-id")) assertThat(templateContext["fields"], equalTo(listOf(firstField, secondField))) } private fun verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged(fieldName: String, newValue: T, expectedValue: T = newValue, fieldAccessor: () -> T) { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("save-profile", "true") addHttpRequestParameter(fieldName, newValue.toString()) verifyRedirect("editProfile.html") { verify(core).touchConfiguration() assertThat(fieldAccessor(), equalTo(expectedValue)) } } @Test fun `post request with new first name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("first-name", "New First") { profile.firstName } } @Test fun `post request with new middle name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("middle-name", "New Middle") { profile.middleName } } @Test fun `post request with new last name and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("last-name", "New Last") { profile.lastName } } @Test fun `post request with new birth day and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-day", 1) { profile.birthDay } } @Test fun `post request with new birth month and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-month", 1) { profile.birthMonth } } @Test fun `post request with new birth year and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("birth-year", 1) { profile.birthYear } } @Test fun `post request with new avatar ID and save profile saves the profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val newAvatar = mock() whenever(newAvatar.sone).thenReturn(currentSone) whenever("avatar-id") addImage("avatar-id", newAvatar) verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("avatarId", "avatar-id") { profile.avatar } } @Test fun `post request with field value saves profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val field = profile.addField("name") field.value = "old" verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("field-${}", "new") { profile.getFieldByName("name")!!.value } } @Test fun `post request with field value saves filtered value to profile and redirects back to profile edit page`() { val field = profile.addField("name") field.value = "old" addHttpRequestHeader("Host", "") verifySingleFieldCanBeChanged("field-${}", "", "KSK@GPL.txt") { profile.getFieldByName("name")!!.value } } @Test fun `adding a field with a duplicate name sets error in template context`() { request("", POST) profile.addField("new-field") addHttpRequestParameter("add-field", "true") addHttpRequestParameter("field-name", "new-field") page.handleRequest(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["fieldName"], equalTo("new-field")) assertThat(templateContext["duplicateFieldName"], equalTo(true)) verify(core, never()).touchConfiguration() } @Test fun `adding a field with a new name sets adds field to profile and redirects to profile edit page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("add-field", "true") addHttpRequestParameter("field-name", "new-field") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.getFieldByName("new-field"), notNullValue()) verify(currentSone).profile = profile verify(core).touchConfiguration() } } @Test fun `deleting a field redirects to delete field page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("delete-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("deleteProfileField.html?field=${}") } @Test fun `moving a field up moves the field up and redirects to the edit profile page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("move-up-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.fields, contains(secondField, firstField)) verify(currentSone).profile = profile } } @Test fun `moving an invalid field up redirects to the invalid page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("move-up-field-foo", "true") verifyRedirect("invalid.html") } @Test fun `moving a field down moves the field down and redirects to the edit profile page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("move-down-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfile.html#profile-fields") { assertThat(profile.fields, contains(secondField, firstField)) verify(currentSone).profile = profile } } @Test fun `moving an invalid field down redirects to the invalid page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("move-down-field-foo", "true") verifyRedirect("invalid.html") } @Test fun `editing a field redirects to the edit profile page`() { request("", POST) addHttpRequestParameter("edit-field-${}", "true") verifyRedirect("editProfileField.html?field=${}") } }