package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages import import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot.Identity import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot.OwnIdentity import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.mock import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.thenReturnMock import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.whenever import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.POST import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat import org.hamcrest.Matchers.contains import org.hamcrest.Matchers.containsInAnyOrder import org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo import org.hamcrest.Matchers.nullValue import org.junit.Before import org.junit.Test import org.mockito.Mockito.verify /** * Unit test for [LoginPage]. */ class LoginPageTest : WebPageTest() { private val page = LoginPage(template, webInterface) private val sones = listOf(createSone("Sone", "Test"), createSone("Test"), createSone("Sone")) override fun getPage() = page private fun createSone(vararg contexts: String) = mock().apply { whenever(id).thenReturn(hashCode().toString()) val identity = mock().apply { whenever(this.contexts).thenReturn(contexts.toSet()) contexts.forEach { whenever(hasContext(it)).thenReturn(true) } } whenever(this.identity).thenReturn(identity) whenever(profile).thenReturnMock() } @Before fun setupSones() { addLocalSone("sone1", sones[0]) addLocalSone("sone2", sones[1]) addLocalSone("sone3", sones[2]) addOwnIdentity(sones[0].identity as OwnIdentity) addOwnIdentity(sones[1].identity as OwnIdentity) addOwnIdentity(sones[2].identity as OwnIdentity) } @Test fun `page returns correct path`() { assertThat(page.path, equalTo("login.html")) } @Test fun `page does not require login`() { assertThat(page.requiresLogin(), equalTo(false)) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `get request stores sones in template context`() { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["sones"] as Iterable, containsInAnyOrder(sones[0], sones[1], sones[2])) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `get request stores identities without sones in template context`() { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["identitiesWithoutSone"] as Iterable, contains(sones[1].identity)) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `post request with invalid sone sets sones and identities without sone in template context`() { setMethod(POST) page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["sones"] as Iterable, containsInAnyOrder(sones[0], sones[1], sones[2])) assertThat(templateContext["identitiesWithoutSone"] as Iterable, contains(sones[1].identity)) } @Test fun `post request with valid sone logs in the sone and redirects to index page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("sone-id", "sone2") verifyRedirect("index.html") { verify(webInterface).setCurrentSone(toadletContext, sones[1]) } } @Test fun `post request with valid sone and target redirects to target page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("sone-id", "sone2") addHttpRequestParameter("target", "foo.html") verifyRedirect("foo.html") { verify(webInterface).setCurrentSone(toadletContext, sones[1]) } } @Test fun `redirect to index html if a sone is logged in`() { assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), equalTo("index.html")) } @Test fun `do not redirect if no sone is logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if full access required and request is not full access`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if no full access is required and there is no current sone`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if no full access is required but there is a current sone`() { assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if full access required and request is full access and there is no current sone`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true unsetCurrentSone() whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if full access required and request is full access but there is a current sone`() { core.preferences.isRequireFullAccess = true whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } }