package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages import* import net.pterodactylus.sone.freenet.wot.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.web.* import* import net.pterodactylus.util.web.Method.* import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.* import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import org.junit.* import org.mockito.Mockito.* /** * Unit test for [LoginPage]. */ class LoginPageTest: WebPageTest(::LoginPage) { private val sones = listOf(createSone("Sone", "Test"), createSone("Test"), createSone("Sone")) private fun createSone(vararg contexts: String) = mock().apply { whenever(id).thenReturn(hashCode().toString()) val identity = mock().apply { whenever(this.contexts).thenReturn(contexts.toSet()) contexts.forEach { whenever(hasContext(it)).thenReturn(true) } } whenever(this.identity).thenReturn(identity) whenever(profile).thenReturnMock() } @Before fun setupSones() { addLocalSone("sone1", sones[0]) addLocalSone("sone2", sones[1]) addLocalSone("sone3", sones[2]) addOwnIdentity(sones[0].identity as OwnIdentity) addOwnIdentity(sones[1].identity as OwnIdentity) addOwnIdentity(sones[2].identity as OwnIdentity) } @Test fun `page returns correct path`() { assertThat(page.path, equalTo("login.html")) } @Test fun `page does not require login`() { assertThat(page.requiresLogin(), equalTo(false)) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `get request stores sones in template context`() { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["sones"] as Iterable, containsInAnyOrder(sones[0], sones[1], sones[2])) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `get request stores identities without sones in template context`() { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["identitiesWithoutSone"] as Iterable, contains(sones[1].identity)) } @Test @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") fun `post request with invalid sone sets sones and identities without sone in template context`() { setMethod(POST) page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(templateContext["sones"] as Iterable, containsInAnyOrder(sones[0], sones[1], sones[2])) assertThat(templateContext["identitiesWithoutSone"] as Iterable, contains(sones[1].identity)) } @Test fun `post request with valid sone logs in the sone and redirects to index page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("sone-id", "sone2") verifyRedirect("index.html") { verify(webInterface).setCurrentSone(toadletContext, sones[1]) } } @Test fun `post request with valid sone and target redirects to target page`() { setMethod(POST) addHttpRequestPart("sone-id", "sone2") addHttpRequestParameter("target", "foo.html") verifyRedirect("foo.html") { verify(webInterface).setCurrentSone(toadletContext, sones[1]) } } @Test fun `redirect to index html if a sone is logged in`() { assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), equalTo("index.html")) } @Test fun `do not redirect if no sone is logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if full access required and request is not full access`() { core.preferences.newRequireFullAccess = true assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if no full access is required and there is no current sone`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if no full access is required but there is a current sone`() { assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if full access required and request is full access and there is no current sone`() { core.preferences.newRequireFullAccess = true unsetCurrentSone() whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is not enabled if full access required and request is full access but there is a current sone`() { core.preferences.newRequireFullAccess = true whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page can be created by dependency injection`() { assertThat(baseInjector.getInstance(), notNullValue()) } @Test fun `page is annotated with correct menuname`() { assertThat(page.menuName, equalTo("Login")) } @Test fun `page is annotated with correct template path`() { assertThat(page.templatePath, equalTo("/templates/login.html")) } }