package net.pterodactylus.sone.web.pages import* import net.pterodactylus.sone.main.* import net.pterodactylus.sone.test.* import* import net.pterodactylus.util.notify.* import net.pterodactylus.util.template.* import net.pterodactylus.util.version.Version import org.hamcrest.* import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.* import org.hamcrest.Matchers.* import org.junit.* /** * Unit test for [SoneTemplatePage]. */ class SoneTemplatePageTest : WebPageTest({ webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer -> object : SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, requiresLogin = true) {} }) { init { request("index.html") } @Test fun `page title is empty string if no page title key was given`() { SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, requiresLogin = false).let { page -> assertThat(page.getPageTitle(soneRequest), equalTo("")) } } @Test fun `page title is retrieved from l10n if page title key is given`() { SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, pageTitleKey = "page.title", requiresLogin = false).let { page -> whenever(l10n.getString("page.title")).thenReturn("Page Title") assertThat(page.getPageTitle(soneRequest), equalTo("Page Title")) } } @Test fun `additional link nodes contain open search link`() { addHttpRequestHeader("Host", "") assertThat(page.getAdditionalLinkNodes(freenetRequest), contains(mapOf( "rel" to "search", "type" to "application/opensearchdescription+xml", "title" to "Sone", "href" to "" ))) } @Test fun `style sheets contains sone CSS file`() { assertThat(page.styleSheets, contains("css/sone.css")) } @Test fun `shortcut icon is the sone icon`() { assertThat(page.shortcutIcon, equalTo("images/icon.png")) } private fun verifyVariableIsSet(name: String, value: Any) = verifyVariableMatches(name, equalTo(value)) private fun verifyVariableMatches(name: String, matcher: Matcher) { page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST") assertThat(templateContext[name] as T, matcher) } @Test fun `preferences are set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("preferences", preferences) } @Test fun `current sone is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("currentSone", currentSone) } @Test fun `local sones are set in template context`() { val localSones = listOf(mock(), mock()) whenever(core.localSones).thenReturn(localSones) verifyVariableMatches("localSones", containsInAnyOrder(*localSones.toTypedArray())) } @Test fun `freenet request is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("request", freenetRequest) } @Test fun `current version is set in template context`() { verifyVariableIsSet("currentVersion", SonePlugin.getPluginVersion()) } @Test fun `has latest version is set correctly in template context if true`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.hasLatestVersion()).thenReturn(true) verifyVariableIsSet("hasLatestVersion", true) } @Test fun `has latest version is set correctly in template context if false`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.hasLatestVersion()).thenReturn(false) verifyVariableIsSet("hasLatestVersion", false) } @Test fun `latest edition is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestEdition).thenReturn(1234L) verifyVariableIsSet("latestEdition", 1234L) } @Test fun `latest version is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestVersion).thenReturn(Version(1, 2, 3)) verifyVariableIsSet("latestVersion", Version(1, 2, 3)) } @Test fun `latest version time is set in template context`() { whenever(core.updateChecker.latestVersionDate).thenReturn(12345L) verifyVariableIsSet("latestVersionTime", 12345L) } private fun createNotification(time: Long) = mock().apply { whenever(createdTime).thenReturn(time) } @Test fun `notifications are set in template context`() { val notifications = listOf(createNotification(3000), createNotification(1000), createNotification(2000)) whenever(webInterface.getNotifications(currentSone)).thenReturn(notifications) verifyVariableMatches("notifications", contains(notifications[1], notifications[2], notifications[0])) } @Test fun `notification hash is set in template context`() { val notifications = listOf(createNotification(3000), createNotification(1000), createNotification(2000)) whenever(webInterface.getNotifications(currentSone)).thenReturn(notifications) verifyVariableIsSet("notificationHash", listOf(notifications[1], notifications[2], notifications[0]).hashCode()) } @Test fun `handleRequest method is called`() { var called = false val page = object : SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, requiresLogin = true) { override fun handleRequest(freenetRequest: FreenetRequest, templateContext: TemplateContext) { called = true } } page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(called, equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `redirect does not happen if login is not required`() { val page = SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, requiresLogin = false) assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `redirect does not happen if sone is logged in`() { assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), nullValue()) } @Test fun `redirect does happen if sone is not logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), equalTo("login.html?target=index.html")) } @Test fun `redirect does happen with parameters encoded correctly if sone is not logged in`() { unsetCurrentSone() addHttpRequestParameter("foo", "b=r") addHttpRequestParameter("baz", "q&o") assertThat(page.getRedirectTarget(freenetRequest), anyOf( equalTo("login.html?target=index.html%3Ffoo%3Db%253Dr%26baz%3Dq%2526o"), equalTo("login.html?target=index.html%3Fbaz%3Dq%2526o%26foo%3Db%253Dr") )) } @Test fun `page is disabled if full access is required but request does not have full access`() { core.preferences.newRequireFullAccess = true assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is disabled if login is required but there is no current sone`() { unsetCurrentSone() assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(false)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if login is required and there is a current sone`() { assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if full access is required and request has full access and login is required and there is a current sone`() { core.preferences.newRequireFullAccess = true whenever(toadletContext.isAllowedFullAccess).thenReturn(true) assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } @Test fun `page is enabled if no full access is required and login is not required`() { SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer, requiresLogin = false).let { page -> assertThat(page.isEnabled(toadletContext), equalTo(true)) } } @Test fun `handle request with sone request is called`() { var called = false val page = object : SoneTemplatePage(webInterface, loaders, templateRenderer) { override fun handleRequest(soneRequest: SoneRequest, templateContext: TemplateContext) { called = true } } page.processTemplate(freenetRequest, templateContext) assertThat(called, equalTo(true)) } }