2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🔀 Merge branch 'release-79' v79
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🔖 Update version for release of version 79
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🔧 Change name of Gradle project to “Sone”
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 📄 Update copyright lines with correct filenames
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace MemoryDatabaseTest with Kotlin version
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🚚 Move Kotlin tests to kotlin directory
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... 🐛 Remove backlinks from keys (thx, TheSeeker!)
2019-06-26 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Use annotations from kotlin-test-junit
2019-06-25 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Replace SoneTextParserTest with Kotlin version
2019-06-16 David ‘Bombe... 💚 Use https for custom repository, move after Maven...
2019-05-27 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Use new method to set field in tests
2019-05-27 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Add factory for page maker interactions
2019-05-20 David ‘Bombe... 🚧 Add interactions helper for page maker
2019-05-18 David ‘Bombe... 🔥 Remove unnecessary @JvmOverloads annotation
2019-05-18 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Use @ToadletPath for JSON pages, too
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🐛 Fix path prefix for page toadlet factory
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🔥 Remove unused properties
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🔥 Remove path from FreenetTemplatePage
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Add @ToadletPath annotation
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Clean up modifiers
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🐛 Fix parameter name
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Fix formatting
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Clean up imports
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🔥 Remove templates from FreenetTemplatePages
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Move generic error pages to custom classes
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Use @TemplatePath annotations on most pages
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Use new template renderer
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🚧 Add template renderer
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Use @TemplatePath in FreenetTemplatePage
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Replace FreenetTemplatePage with Kotlin version
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🚚 Rename file containing annotations
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🚧 Add annotation for the template path
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🚧 Add Loaders to all template-using pages
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Add registry for page toadlets
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate RescuePage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate OptionsPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate LogoutPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate LoginPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate ImageBrowserPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate DeleteSonePage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate BookmarksPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate AboutPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate EditProfilePage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate KnownSonesPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate CreateSonePage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Move Page.menuName property to more appropriate...
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate NewPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Annotate IndexPage with MenuName
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🐛 Make PageToadletFactory injectable
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Fix formatting
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ➕ Make Fred’s PageMaker available to Guice
2019-05-17 David ‘Bombe... ➕ Make Fred’s ToadletContainer available to Guice
2019-05-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Copy session-handling code to FreenetRequest
2019-05-07 David ‘Bombe... ⬆️ Update Kotlin version
2019-05-07 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Use SoneRequest instead of FreenetRequest
2019-05-05 David ‘Bombe... 👷 Add Jenkinsfile
2019-05-04 David ‘Bombe... 👷 Run tests in parallel
2019-05-04 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Add L10n to FreenetRequest, WebInterface to SoneRequest
2019-04-13 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Add SoneRequest for Sone-specific request values
2019-04-13 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace FreenetRequest with Kotlin version
2019-04-13 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace FreenetRequestTest with Kotlin version
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace FreenetPage with Kotlin version
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Add more tests for FreenetTemplatePage
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Add basic test for FreenetTemplatePage
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Fix imports
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... ✨ Use new @MenuName annotation in factory
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace PageToadletFactory with Kotlin version
2019-04-12 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Add test for PageToadletFactory
2019-03-28 David ‘Bombe... 🚸 Show USK path when no meta strings present
2019-03-27 David ‘Bombe... 🚸 Format USK links with filenames better
2019-03-19 David ‘Bombe... 🐛 Prevent empty names in profile
2019-03-19 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace profile test with Kotlin version
2019-03-10 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Use module for web interface
2019-03-10 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Add module for configuring the web interface
2019-03-10 David ‘Bombe... ✅ Add test for parser to be injectable
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Create custom context factory in image link filter
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Create template context factory in render filter
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Use equalTo instead of is
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Reformat, optimize imports
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Move constants out of the class
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Change dependencies of render filter
2019-03-09 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Only hand in L10n to l10n filter
2019-03-08 David ‘Bombe... ⚗ Add all missing web pages to injection container
2019-03-08 David ‘Bombe... 🙈 Ignore build/ directory
2019-03-05 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Turn plugin homepage into instance method
2019-03-05 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Turn plugin year into instance method
2019-03-05 David ‘Bombe... 🎨 Replace Plugin containers with Kotlin versions
2019-03-05 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Move plugin initialization to a module
2019-03-02 David ‘Bombe... ⬆️ Update Guice to 4.2.2
2019-03-02 David ‘Bombe... ⬆️ Update Guava to 27.0.1
2019-03-01 David ‘Bombe... ♻️ Generalize test methods
2019-02-25 David ‘Bombe... Remove more unused classes
2019-02-24 David ‘Bombe... Remove unused classes
2019-02-24 David ‘Bombe... Add test for storing IDs on known post replies
2019-02-24 David ‘Bombe... Add test for storing IDs on known posts
2019-02-24 David ‘Bombe... Store updated Sone in database
2019-02-23 David ‘Bombe... Add output when a Sone was successfully parsed
2019-02-23 David ‘Bombe... Replace Preferences with Kotlin version
2019-02-23 David ‘Bombe... Use Sequence instead of Collection
2019-02-22 David ‘Bombe... Update year in copyright lines