2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Cancel with a ClientContext.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add confirmation before deleting album.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Implement a lot more image and album processing on...
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Set default text color for textareas.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Format single images like small images.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Don’t float albums.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add generic parsed class that displays whitespace corre...
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Use a textarea for the description of the image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add page that edits an album.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add page that edits an image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add page that deletes an image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add page to delete an album.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add method to delete image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Cancel image insert when deleting a temporary image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add method to delete an album.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add isEmpty() method.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Set album as parent of added image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Store parent album in image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Show images differently.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Reduce whitespace pollution.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Insert image after creating it.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add image insert notifications.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add ImageInsertListener methods to CoreListener.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Fix wrong method name.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Fix album loading.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add image inserter to Core.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Implement ImageInsertListener interface in Core.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add image inserter.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add insertImage() method to freenet interface.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add image insert listener interface.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add another exception type.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Display images in image browser.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add page that delivers the encoded data of a temporary...
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Extend image upload page to detect MIME type.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Return response object after setting a header.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Fix album title accessor.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Load and save images when loading and saving Sones.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add method to create an Image from a TemporaryImage.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add methods to delete a temporary image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add methods to create and retrieve temporary images.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Rename forgotten album names.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add temporary image.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Rename album name to album title.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add filter that turns an Image into an HTML <img> tag.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add method that returns whether an image has been inserted.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Instantiate album via caching mechanism.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Clear the correct list.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Reduce log level.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Implement album structure loading.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Write end marker after albums.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Add method to set all albums of a Sone.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Save album structure.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Save Sone after creating the album.
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Don’t implement equals() without hashCode()!
2011-04-13 David ‘Bombe... Remove albums from the fingerprint temporarily.
2011-03-26 David ‘Bombe... Do not insert albums just yet.
2011-03-25 David ‘Bombe... Show links to images like links to albums.
2011-03-25 David ‘Bombe... Let images float, too.
2011-03-25 David ‘Bombe... Don’t throw exceptions when a single “return” would...
2011-03-25 David ‘Bombe... Show an error message if an image can not be parsed.
2011-03-25 David ‘Bombe... Show potential error messages on the “invalid” page.
2011-03-24 David ‘Bombe... Allow parsing without an origin Sone.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Add basic image uploading capability.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Verify that the owner is not null before comparing it.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Set creation time when a new image is created.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Enhance documentation to document what the key is for.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Decrease font size of backlinks.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Hide labels after ajaxfication of album creation form...
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Move ajaxification of album creation form fields to...
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Prepare for showing the album image.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Add “album image” to album.
2011-03-23 David ‘Bombe... Show album images.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Show name of album in page title.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Show page title when browsing albums of a Sone.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Remove “Image Browser” page title.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Show name of album as page heading.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Use correct album to create links.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Add browsing albums of a Sone.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Add link to name of album.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Only include album creation form when browsing own...
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Format backlinks.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Ajaxify the album creation form.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Use description when creating a new album.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Create correct backlink for a Sone’s image browser.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Only add album to Sone if it has no parent album.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Fix whitespace.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Fix whitespace.
2011-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Merge branch 'next' into image-management
2011-03-21 David ‘Bombe... Merge branch 'remember-page' into next
2011-03-21 David ‘Bombe... Encode ampersand (“&”) and equals signs (“=”) in URL.
2011-03-21 David ‘Bombe... Include URL parameters in URL.
2011-03-21 David ‘Bombe... Get redirection target from URL, default to “index...
2011-03-21 David ‘Bombe... Add original URL when redirecting to login page.
2011-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Merge branch 'master' into next
2011-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Merge branch 'release-0.5.1' 0.5.1
2011-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Set version to 0.5.1.
2011-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Require utils 0.9.1.
2011-03-12 David ‘Bombe... Add link to unbookmark all not loaded posts at once.
2011-03-12 David ‘Bombe... Add possibility to unbookmark all not loaded posts...
2011-03-12 David ‘Bombe... Move pagination directly below the list.