2014-10-03 David ‘Bombe... Add bookmark database.
2014-10-03 David ‘Bombe... Extract manifest element creation into its own class.
2014-10-03 David ‘Bombe... Move Sone parser into its own class.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Remove a TODO.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Remove all occurences of the FCP interface from the...
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Add more tests for the Sone inserter.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Make method to change the insertion delay private.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Add unit test for integer range predicate.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Move preferences loading and saving out of the core.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Clean up import.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Move test Value implementation to top-level class.
2014-09-30 David ‘Bombe... Add static method to create range.
2014-09-29 David ‘Bombe... Move option interface and default implementation to...
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Remove option watcher, it’s not used anymore.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Clean up some imports.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Use event bus to change FCP interface configuration.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Use event bus to activate and deactivate the FCP interface.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Use an atomic reference instead of volatile.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Use an atomic boolean instead of a volatile boolean.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Use events to communicate changes to insertion delay...
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Clean imports.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Set latest edition on the insert URI, too.
2014-09-28 David ‘Bombe... Don’t set the request URI anymore, either.
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Verify that the insert URI is not null.
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Return a copy of the Sones.
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Store Sones in database only.
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Don’t set insert URI of a Sone, let it be generated...
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Don't access the Sone in the constructor.
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Remove the possibility to create Sones from the getLoca...
2014-09-27 David ‘Bombe... Use a special Sone implementation that only stores...
2014-09-26 David ‘Bombe... Don’t store a Sone in the Sone inserter.
2014-09-25 David ‘Bombe... Simply show the Sone ID instead of extracting parts...
2014-09-21 David ‘Bombe... Fix changed import.
2014-09-21 David ‘Bombe... Use database methods where possible.
2014-09-21 David ‘Bombe... Store Sones in the database, too.
2014-09-19 David ‘Bombe... Fix parsing of latest edition when it’s not present.
2014-09-19 David ‘Bombe... Use Sone change detector in core to send notifications.
2014-09-19 David ‘Bombe... Add sone change detector that finds new and removed...
2014-09-18 David ‘Bombe... Add function that returns all images for a Sone.
2014-09-18 David ‘Bombe... Move test builders to their own top-level classes.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t store post replies sorted by post.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Refactor post mocking into its own method.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t store posts by recipient, generate them on the...
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Small optimization when an identity is removed.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Add more tests for FreenetInterface.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Disallow empty album titles, too.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Abort editing an image if title is empty.
2014-09-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t allow changing an image’s title into an empty...
2014-09-15 David ‘Bombe... Redirect to “no permission” page if parent album or...
2014-09-15 David ‘Bombe... Use real image parsing in Sone downloader test.
2014-09-15 David ‘Bombe... Store parsed images locally only, get avatar from local...
2014-09-15 David ‘Bombe... Create images using the core’s image builder.
2014-09-15 David ‘Bombe... Store all albums from configuration in database.
2014-09-14 David ‘Bombe... Store all albums and images in the database after loadi...
2014-09-14 David ‘Bombe... Load avatar image correctly.
2014-09-13 David ‘Bombe... Further reduce dependencies on a Sone for downloading.
2014-09-12 David ‘Bombe... Remove Sone instance from SoneUpdater interface.
2014-09-12 David ‘Bombe... Add interface between freenet interface and Sone downlo...
2014-09-12 David ‘Bombe... Use fetch action instead of custom Runnable.
2014-09-12 David ‘Bombe... Move parsing of latest edition out of the synchronized...
2014-09-09 David ‘Bombe... Store albums and images per-Sone in database.
2014-09-09 David ‘Bombe... Move image parsing to new configuration parser.
2014-09-09 David ‘Bombe... Move album parsing to new configuration parser.
2014-09-08 David ‘Bombe... Set Sone in album builder, remote getOrCreate method...
2014-09-08 David ‘Bombe... Move friend parsing to new configuration parser.
2014-09-08 David ‘Bombe... Move liked post reply IDs to new configuration parser.
2014-09-08 David ‘Bombe... Return sets instead of collections for posts and replies.
2014-09-08 David ‘Bombe... Move liked post IDs parsing to new configuration parser.
2014-09-07 David ‘Bombe... Move post reply parsing to new configuration parser.
2014-09-07 David ‘Bombe... Start moving parsing a Sone from a configuration to...
2014-09-07 David ‘Bombe... Move parsing the profile to its own method.
2014-09-07 David ‘Bombe... Remove unused methods in core.
2014-09-07 David ‘Bombe... Rename method that creates albums if they don’t exist.
2014-08-29 David ‘Bombe... Move dependency injection configuration closer to where...
2014-08-25 David ‘Bombe... Return own identities even if they don’t have the corre...
2014-08-25 David ‘Bombe... Add Sone-specific options object.
2014-08-10 David ‘Bombe... Extract identity manager interface.
2014-08-10 David ‘Bombe... Extract interface for Sone downloader.
2014-08-09 David ‘Bombe... Whitespace.
2014-08-09 David ‘Bombe... Remove test that can not guarantee its success.
2014-08-09 David ‘Bombe... Extract interface from the web of trust updater.
2014-08-07 David ‘Bombe... Fix own identities without trust identities from disapp...
2014-08-07 David ‘Bombe... Add test for Sone downloader.
2014-08-06 David ‘Bombe... Restrict access to methods.
2014-08-05 David ‘Bombe... Add equals() implementation.
2014-08-05 David ‘Bombe... Description can never be null.
2014-08-05 David ‘Bombe... Check the argument, not the state.
2014-08-05 David ‘Bombe... Trim field name before using it.
2014-08-04 David ‘Bombe... Remove unused method.
2014-08-04 David ‘Bombe... Add unit test for preferences.
2014-08-04 David ‘Bombe... Add tests for web of trust updater.
2014-08-04 David ‘Bombe... Remove unnecessary method.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Remove unused method.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... No need to check for the stop job.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Add unit test for “set trust” job.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Update identities only after the WOT has been modified.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Require that truster and trustee are always non-null.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Actually remove trust when setting it null.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Remove unnecessary casts.
2014-08-03 David ‘Bombe... Add unit test for sone rescuer.