#Author: Jaime Irving Davila #Date: 23/09/2001 #Modified on 15/04/2002 #Given to the public domain #Variables useful for the customization of the makefile #Name of the document (without the sgml extension) DOC = synfig-studio #Name of the file used for the index (without the sgml extension) INDEX = index #Name of the compiler of the sgml, could be jade, openjade, .. COMPILER = openjade #Location of the stylesheet for the html output DBSTYLESHEET = /usr/share/sgml/docbook/stylesheet/dsssl/ldp/ldp.dsl #Options for generating multiple HTML output MULTIPLEHTMLOPT = -t sgml -ihtml -d${DBSTYLESHEET}\#html #Name of the directory for the source sgml SGMLDIR = en #Name of the directory for the "others" files OTHERSDIR = ${SGMLDIR}/others #Name of the directory for the png files PNGDIR = png RESULTDIR = result/${SGMLDIR} #Name of the directory for the output of the multiple html MULTIPLEHTMLDIR = ${RESULTDIR}/out-htmls #Name of the directory for the output the ps file PSDIR = ${RESULTDIR}/out-ps #Name of the script which generates the ps file, in RedHat it's db2ps SCRIPTPS = db2ps #Name of the directory for the temp and tmp-output the pdf file PDFDIR = ${RESULTDIR}/tmp-pdf #Name of the script which generates the ps file, in RedHat it's db2ps SCRIPTPDF = db2pdf #Variables needed by the rules, should NOT be changed #Variable for including the sgml source file VPATH = ${SGMLDIR} #Variable for knowing if there exists the sgml index file, in case it #NOT exists its value is empty, otherwise it's the name of the index ISINDEX = ${findstring ${INDEX}, ${wildcard ${SGMLDIR}/*.sgml}} #Variable for knowing if the tag init will be needed ifneq (${ISINDEX}, ${INDEX}) USEINIT = init endif #Variable for storing the name of all the sgml source files directory SRCFILES = $(patsubst ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml,,$(wildcard ${SGMLDIR}/*)) #Variable for storing the name of all the files in the "others" directory OTHERFILES = $(wildcard ${OTHERSDIR}/*) #Variable for storing the names of the "others" files placed in the #Variable for storing the names of the "others" files placed in the #multiple-html directory OTHERMULTIPLE = $(patsubst ${SGMLDIR}/others/%, ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/%, ${OTHERFILES} ) #Variable for storing the names of the png's pictures PNGFILES = $(wildcard ${PNGDIR}/*.png) #Variable for storing the names of the png's files placed on the #Variable for storing the names of the png's files placed on the #single-html directory PNGMULTIPLE = $(patsubst ${PNGDIR}/%, ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/%, ${PNGFILES}) #Variable for storing the names of the eps files FIGEPS = $(patsubst ${PNGDIR}/%.png, ${PSDIR}/%.eps, ${PNGFILES}) PATH_LANG = ${CURDIR}/${SGMLDIR} all: multiple-html ps pdf .PHONY: all clean init cpfilessingle multiple-html cpfilesmultiple distsource ps #Rules needed for generating multiple html files multiple-html: ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/${DOC}.html cpfilesmultiple ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/${DOC}.html: ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR} ${INDEX}.sgml.m #cp -f ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml.m ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml ${COMPILER} ${MULTIPLEHTMLOPT} ${SGMLDIR}/${DOC}.tmp.sgml mv *.html ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR} HTML.index.m: ${DOC}.sgml ${SRCFILES} ${USEINIT} sed "s:##PATHLANG##:${PATH_LANG}:" ${SGMLDIR}/${DOC}.sgml > ${SGMLDIR}/${DOC}.tmp.sgml ${COMPILER} ${MULTIPLEHTMLOPT} -V html-index ${SGMLDIR}/${DOC}.tmp.sgml > /dev/null mv HTML.index ${SGMLDIR}/HTML.index.m rm *.html ${INDEX}.sgml.m: HTML.index.m perl -S collateindex.pl -o ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml.m ${SGMLDIR}/HTML.index.m ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}: mkdir ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR} cpfilesmultiple: ${PNGMULTIPLE} ${OTHERMULTIPLE} ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/%.png: ${PNGDIR}/%.png cp -rf $< $@ ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR}/%: ${OTHERSDIR}/% cp -rf $< $@ #Rules needed for generating the ps file ps: ${PSDIR}/${DOC}.ps ${PSDIR}/${DOC}.ps: ${PSDIR} ${FIGEPS} ${INDEX}.sgml.m cp -rf ${SGMLDIR}/*.sgml ${PSDIR} cd ${PSDIR}; ${SCRIPTPS} ${DOC}.tmp.sgml ; mv ${DOC}.tmp.ps ${DOC}.ps cd .. ${PSDIR}/%.eps: ${PNGDIR}/%.png ${PSDIR} convert $< $@ ${PSDIR}: mkdir ${PSDIR} #Rules needed for generating the pdf file pdf: ${PDFDIR}/${DOC}.pdf ${PDFDIR}/${DOC}.pdf: ${PDFDIR} ${INDEX}.sgml.m cp -rf ${PNGDIR}/* ${PDFDIR} cp -rf ${SGMLDIR}/*.sgml ${PDFDIR} cp -rf ${SGMLDIR}/* ${PDFDIR} mv ${PDFDIR}/${DOC}.tmp.sgml ${PDFDIR}/${DOC}.sgml cd ${PDFDIR};${SCRIPTPDF} ${DOC}.sgml cd .. ${PDFDIR}: mkdir ${PDFDIR} #Some additional and standard tags init: perl -S collateindex.pl -N -o ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml distsource: clean tar cvfz ${DOC}.tar.gz * clean: rm -rf ${MULTIPLEHTMLDIR} ${SGMLDIR}/*.index.* ${SGMLDIR}/${INDEX}.sgml* nil ${PSDIR} ${PDFDIR}