--- /dev/null
+/* === S Y N F I G ========================================================= */
+/*! \file matrix.h
+** \brief Matrix definitions for 2D affine transformations
+** $Id$
+** \legal
+** Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Robert B. Quattlebaum Jr., Adrian Bentley
+** Copyright (c) 2008 Carlos López
+** This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+** published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+** the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+** This package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+** General Public License for more details.
+** \endlegal
+/* ========================================================================= */
+/* === S T A R T =========================================================== */
+#ifndef __SYNFIG_MATRIX_H
+#define __SYNFIG_MATRIX_H
+/* === H E A D E R S ======================================================= */
+#include "angle.h"
+#include "real.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include <math.h>
+/* === M A C R O S ========================================================= */
+#ifdef WIN32
+#include <float.h>
+#ifndef isnan
+extern "C" { int _isnan(double x); }
+#define isnan _isnan
+// For some reason isnan() isn't working on macosx any more.
+// This is a quick fix.
+#if defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(SYNFIG_ISNAN_FIX)
+#ifdef isnan
+#undef isnan
+inline bool isnan(double x) { return x != x; }
+inline bool isnan(float x) { return x != x; }
+/* === T Y P E D E F S ===================================================== */
+/* === C L A S S E S & S T R U C T S ======================================= */
+namespace synfig {
+/*! \class Matrix
+** \todo writeme
+class Matrix
+ typedef Real value_type;
+ //! The matrix array
+ value_type m00, m01, m02;
+ value_type m10, m11, m12;
+ value_type m20, m21, m22;
+ // Index convention
+ // 00 01 02
+ // 10 11 12
+ // 20 21 22
+ // vectors are premultiplied when the matrix transformation is applied
+ // we consider the vectors as [1]x[3] arrays.
+ // [1]x[3] * [3]x[3] = [1]x[3]
+ // vector * matrix = vector
+ // In affine transformation matrixes the values of
+ // m02=0, m12=0 and m22=1 for non projective transformations.
+ //!Deafult constructor makes a identity matrix
+ Matrix() {
+ m00=1.0; m01=0.0; m02=0.0;
+ m10=0.0; m11=1.0; m12=0.0;
+ m20=0.0; m21=0.0; m22=1.0;
+ }
+ //!Constructor from Angle create a rotate matrix
+ Matrix(const Angle &a){
+ (*this).set_rotate(a);
+ }
+ //!set_identity member. Set an identity matrix
+ Matrix &
+ set_identity(){
+ m00=1.0; m01=0.0; m02=0.0;
+ m10=0.0; m11=1.0; m12=0.0;
+ m20=0.0; m21=0.0; m22=1.0;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ //!set_scale member fucntion. Sets a scale matrix
+ //! @param sx Scale by X axis
+ //! @param sy Scale by Y axis
+ //! @return A matrix reference filled with the sx, sy values
+ Matrix &
+ set_scale(const value_type &sx, const value_type &sy){
+ m00=sx; m01=0.0; m02=0.0;
+ m10=0.0; m11=sy; m12=0.0;
+ m20=0.0; m21=0.0; m22=1.0;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ //!set_rotate member function. Sets a rotate matrix
+ //! @param a Rotation angle counterclock wise
+ //! @return A matrix reference filled with the proper rotation parameters
+ Matrix &
+ set_rotate(const Angle &a){
+ value_type c(Angle::cos(a).get());
+ value_type s(Angle::sin(a).get());
+ m00= c; m01=s; m02=0.0;
+ m10=-1.0*s; m11=c; m12=0.0;
+ m20=0.0; m21=0.0; m22=1.0;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ //!traslate member function. Sets a translate matrix
+ //! @param t Vector that defines the translation
+ //! @return A matrix reference filled with the proper translation parameters
+ Matrix &
+ set_translate(const Vector &t){
+ m00=1.0; m01=0.0; m02=0.0;
+ m10=0.0; m11=1.0; m12=0.0;
+ m20=t[0]; m21=t[1]; m22=1.0;
+ return (*this);
+ }
+ //!get_transformed member function.
+ //! @param v 2D Vector to transform
+ //! @return The Vector result
+ Vector
+ get_transformed(const Vector &v){
+ return Vector(v[0]*m00+v[1]*m10+m20,v[0]*m01+v[1]*m11+m21);
+ }
+ //! operator *. Multiplication of one matrix by other
+ //! @param rhs the right hand side of the multiplication operation
+ //! @return the resulting multiplication matrix
+ Matrix
+ operator *(const Matrix &rhs){
+ Matrix ret;
+ ret.m00=m00*rhs.m00 + m01*rhs.m10 + m02*rhs.m20;
+ ret.m01=m00*rhs.m01 + m01*rhs.m11 + m02*rhs.m21;
+ ret.m02=m00*rhs.m02 + m01*rhs.m12 + m02*rhs.m22;
+ ret.m10=m10*rhs.m00 + m11*rhs.m10 + m12*rhs.m20;
+ ret.m11=m10*rhs.m01 + m11*rhs.m11 + m12*rhs.m21;
+ ret.m12=m10*rhs.m02 + m11*rhs.m12 + m12*rhs.m22;
+ ret.m20=m20*rhs.m00 + m21*rhs.m10 + m22*rhs.m20;
+ ret.m21=m20*rhs.m01 + m21*rhs.m11 + m22*rhs.m21;
+ ret.m22=m20*rhs.m02 + m21*rhs.m12 + m22*rhs.m22;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ //! operator *=. Multiplication and assign of one matrix by a number
+ //! @param rhs the number to multiply by
+ //! @return the modifed resulting multiplicated by number matrix
+ Matrix
+ operator *=(const value_type &rhs){
+ m00*=rhs;
+ m01*=rhs;
+ m02*=rhs;
+ m10*=rhs;
+ m11*=rhs;
+ m12*=rhs;
+ m20*=rhs;
+ m21*=rhs;
+ m22*=rhs;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! operator +=. Sum and assign of two matrixes
+ //! @param rhs the matrix to sum
+ //! @return modified matrix with the summed matrix
+ Matrix
+ operator +=(const Matrix &rhs){
+ m00+=rhs.m00;
+ m01+=rhs.m01;
+ m02+=rhs.m02;
+ m10+=rhs.m10;
+ m11+=rhs.m11;
+ m12+=rhs.m12;
+ m20+=rhs.m20;
+ m21+=rhs.m21;
+ m22+=rhs.m22;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! operator *. Multiplication of one matrix by a number
+ //! @param rhs the number to multiply by
+ //! @return the resulting multiplicated by number matrix
+ Matrix
+ operator *(const value_type &rhs){
+ return Matrix(*this)*=rhs;
+ }
+ //! operator +=. Sum and assign of two matrixes
+ //! @param rhs the matrix to sum
+ //! @return modified matrix with the summed matrix
+ Matrix
+ operator +(const Matrix &rhs){
+ return Matrix(*this)+=rhs;
+ }
+}; // END of namespace synfig