version 0.1.2
[fms.git] / src / freenet / identityinserter.cpp
1 #include "../../include/freenet/identityinserter.h"\r
2 #include "../../include/freenet/identityxml.h"\r
3 #include "../../include/stringfunctions.h"\r
4 #include "../../include/option.h"\r
5 \r
6 #ifdef XMEM\r
7         #include <xmem.h>\r
8 #endif\r
9 \r
10 IdentityInserter::IdentityInserter()\r
11 {\r
12         Initialize();\r
13 }\r
14 \r
15 IdentityInserter::IdentityInserter(FCPv2 *fcp):IFCPConnected(fcp)\r
16 {\r
17         Initialize();\r
18 }\r
19 \r
20 void IdentityInserter::CheckForNeededInsert()\r
21 {\r
22         DateTime now;\r
23         DateTime date;\r
24         now.SetToGMTime();\r
25         date.SetToGMTime();\r
26         // set date to 1 hour back\r
27         date.Add(0,0,-1);\r
28 \r
29         // Because of importance of Identity.xml, if we are now at the next day we immediately want to insert identities so change the date back to 12:00 AM so we find all identities not inserted yet today\r
30         if(date.GetDay()!=now.GetDay())\r
31         {\r
32                 date=now;\r
33                 date.SetHour(0);\r
34                 date.SetMinute(0);\r
35                 date.SetSecond(0);\r
36         }\r
37 \r
38         SQLite3DB::Recordset rs=m_db->Query("SELECT LocalIdentityID FROM tblLocalIdentity WHERE PrivateKey IS NOT NULL AND PrivateKey <> '' AND InsertingIdentity='false' AND (LastInsertedIdentity<'"+date.Format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"' OR LastInsertedIdentity IS NULL) ORDER BY LastInsertedIdentity;");\r
39         \r
40         if(rs.Empty()==false)\r
41         {\r
42                 StartInsert(rs.GetInt(0));\r
43         }\r
44 \r
45 }\r
46 \r
47 void IdentityInserter::FCPConnected()\r
48 {\r
49         m_db->Execute("UPDATE tblLocalIdentity SET InsertingIdentity='false';");\r
50 }\r
51 \r
52 \r
53 void IdentityInserter::FCPDisconnected()\r
54 {\r
55         \r
56 }\r
57 \r
58 const bool IdentityInserter::HandleMessage(FCPMessage &message)\r
59 {\r
60 \r
61         if(message["Identifier"].find("IdentityInserter")==0)\r
62         {\r
63                 DateTime now;\r
64                 std::vector<std::string> idparts;\r
65 \r
66                 now.SetToGMTime();\r
67                 StringFunctions::Split(message["Identifier"],"|",idparts);\r
68 \r
69                 // no action for URIGenerated\r
70                 if(message.GetName()=="URIGenerated")\r
71                 {\r
72                         return true;\r
73                 }\r
74 \r
75                 // no action for IdentifierCollision\r
76                 if(message.GetName()=="IdentifierCollision")\r
77                 {\r
78                         return true;\r
79                 }\r
80 \r
81                 if(message.GetName()=="PutSuccessful")\r
82                 {\r
83                         // a little hack here - if we just inserted index yesterday and it is now the next day - we would have inserted todays date not yesterdays as LastInsertedIdentity.\r
84                         // If this is the case, we will skip updating LastInsertedIdentity so that we can insert this identity again for today\r
85                         DateTime lastdate;\r
86                         lastdate.Set(idparts[4]);\r
87                         if(lastdate.GetDay()!=now.GetDay())\r
88                         {\r
89                                 m_db->Execute("UPDATE tblLocalIdentity SET InsertingIdentity='false', LastInsertedIdentity='"+now.Format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"' WHERE LocalIdentityID="+idparts[1]+";");\r
90                         }\r
91                         m_db->Execute("INSERT INTO tblLocalIdentityInserts(LocalIdentityID,Day,InsertIndex) VALUES("+idparts[1]+",'"+idparts[4]+"',"+idparts[2]+");");\r
92                         m_log->WriteLog(LogFile::LOGLEVEL_DEBUG,"IdentityInserter::HandleMessage inserted Identity xml");\r
93                         return true;\r
94                 }\r
95 \r
96                 if(message.GetName()=="PutFailed")\r
97                 {\r
98                         m_db->Execute("UPDATE tblLocalIdentity SET InsertingIdentity='false' WHERE LocalIdentityID="+idparts[1]+";");\r
99                         m_log->WriteLog(LogFile::LOGLEVEL_DEBUG,"IdentityInserter::HandleMessage failure inserting Identity xml.  Code="+message["Code"]+" Description="+message["CodeDescription"]);\r
100                         \r
101                         // if code 9 (collision), then insert index into inserted table\r
102                         if(message["Code"]=="9")\r
103                         {\r
104                                 m_db->Execute("INSERT INTO tblLocalIdentityInserts(LocalIdentityID,Day,InsertIndex) VALUES("+idparts[1]+",'"+idparts[4]+"',"+idparts[2]+");");\r
105                         }\r
106                         \r
107                         return true;\r
108                 }\r
109 \r
110         }\r
111 \r
112         return false;\r
113 \r
114 }\r
115 \r
116 void IdentityInserter::Initialize()\r
117 {\r
118         m_lastchecked.SetToGMTime();\r
119 }\r
120 \r
121 void IdentityInserter::Process()\r
122 {\r
123         DateTime now;\r
124         now.SetToGMTime();\r
125 \r
126         if(m_lastchecked<(now-(1.0/1440.0)))\r
127         {\r
128                 CheckForNeededInsert();\r
129                 m_lastchecked=now;\r
130         }\r
131 \r
132 }\r
133 \r
134 void IdentityInserter::RegisterWithThread(FreenetMasterThread *thread)\r
135 {\r
136         thread->RegisterFCPConnected(this);\r
137         thread->RegisterFCPMessageHandler(this);\r
138         thread->RegisterPeriodicProcessor(this);\r
139 }\r
140 \r
141 void IdentityInserter::StartInsert(const long localidentityid)\r
142 {\r
143         DateTime date;\r
144         std::string idstring;\r
145 \r
146         StringFunctions::Convert(localidentityid,idstring);\r
147         date.SetToGMTime();\r
148 \r
149         SQLite3DB::Recordset rs=m_db->Query("SELECT Name,PrivateKey,SingleUse,PublishTrustList,PublishBoardList FROM tblLocalIdentity WHERE LocalIdentityID="+idstring+";");\r
150 \r
151         if(rs.Empty()==false)\r
152         {\r
153                 IdentityXML idxml;\r
154                 FCPMessage mess;\r
155                 DateTime now;\r
156                 std::string messagebase;\r
157                 std::string data;\r
158                 std::string datasizestr;\r
159                 std::string privatekey;\r
160                 long index=0;\r
161                 std::string indexstr;\r
162                 std::string singleuse="false";\r
163                 std::string publishtrustlist="false";\r
164                 std::string publishboardlist="false";\r
165 \r
166                 now.SetToGMTime();\r
167 \r
168                 SQLite3DB::Recordset rs2=m_db->Query("SELECT MAX(InsertIndex) FROM tblLocalIdentityInserts WHERE LocalIdentityID="+idstring+" AND Day='"+now.Format("%Y-%m-%d")+"';");\r
169                 if(rs2.Empty()==false)\r
170                 {\r
171                         if(rs2.GetField(0)==NULL)\r
172                         {\r
173                                 index=0;\r
174                         }\r
175                         else\r
176                         {\r
177                                 index=rs2.GetInt(0)+1;\r
178                         }\r
179                 }\r
180                 StringFunctions::Convert(index,indexstr);\r
181 \r
182                 Option::instance()->Get("MessageBase",messagebase);\r
183 \r
184                 if(rs.GetField(0))\r
185                 {\r
186                         idxml.SetName(rs.GetField(0));\r
187                 }\r
188 \r
189                 if(rs.GetField(1))\r
190                 {\r
191                         privatekey=rs.GetField(1);\r
192                 }\r
193 \r
194                 if(rs.GetField(2))\r
195                 {\r
196                         singleuse=rs.GetField(2);\r
197                 }\r
198                 singleuse=="true" ? idxml.SetSingleUse(true) : idxml.SetSingleUse(false);\r
199 \r
200                 if(rs.GetField(3))\r
201                 {\r
202                         publishtrustlist=rs.GetField(3);\r
203                 }\r
204                 publishtrustlist=="true" ? idxml.SetPublishTrustList(true) : idxml.SetPublishTrustList(false);\r
205 \r
206                 if(rs.GetField(4))\r
207                 {\r
208                         publishboardlist=rs.GetField(4);\r
209                 }\r
210                 publishboardlist=="true" ? idxml.SetPublishBoardList(true) : idxml.SetPublishBoardList(false);\r
211 \r
212                 data=idxml.GetXML();\r
213                 StringFunctions::Convert(data.size(),datasizestr);\r
214 \r
215                 mess.SetName("ClientPut");\r
216                 mess["URI"]=privatekey+messagebase+"|"+now.Format("%Y-%m-%d")+"|Identity|"+indexstr+".xml";\r
217                 mess["Identifier"]="IdentityInserter|"+idstring+"|"+indexstr+"|"+mess["URI"];\r
218                 mess["UploadFrom"]="direct";\r
219                 mess["DataLength"]=datasizestr;\r
220                 m_fcp->SendMessage(mess);\r
221                 m_fcp->SendRaw(data.c_str(),data.size());\r
222 \r
223                 m_db->Execute("UPDATE tblLocalIdentity SET InsertingIdentity='true' WHERE LocalIdentityID="+idstring+";");\r
224 \r
225         }\r
226 }\r