2012-04-01 David ‘Bombe... Merge branch 'release-0.10' 0.10
2012-04-01 David ‘Bombe... Update edition of the jSite homepage.
2012-04-01 David ‘Bombe... Set version to 0.10.
2012-04-01 David ‘Bombe... Remove stdout debugging.
2012-04-01 David ‘Bombe... Translate “manifest putter” to German.
2012-03-27 David ‘Bombe... Add missing French translation.
2012-03-23 David ‘Bombe... French translation update by dagga.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... French translation update from dagga.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Only ask for confirmation if the location of the config...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Remember original location the configuration was loaded...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Also set the last insert filename when a project finish...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Use last insert filename when redirecting to a previous...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Don’t throw a NullPointerException when no file is...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Store and load last insert filename.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Add filename of last insert.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Use changed name when inserting a file.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Make combox box expand horizontally.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Forward manifest putter between configuration, preferen...
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Add combo box for manifest putter.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Override toString() for better display in a combo box.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Forward manifest putter to project inserter.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Make manifest putter configurable.
2012-03-22 David ‘Bombe... Store the manifest putter in the configuration.
2012-03-19 hernicUpdate src/de/todesbaum/jsite/i18n/jSite_fr.properties
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Forward priority between configuration, preferences... 0.10-rc1
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Allow storing and loading the priority from/to the...
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Add insert priority to preferences panel.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Forward the insert priority to the project inserter.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Make the insert priority configurable.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Override toString() to allow simple display in a JList.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Add method to parse a priority from a string.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Update copyrights in About dialog to 2012.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Forward use-early-encode flag between configuration...
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Add checkbox for use-early-encode option.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Forward use-early-encode flag to project inserter.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Make use of the early-encode flag configurable.
2012-03-18 David ‘Bombe... Add methods to store and load use-early-encode option.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Fix up all file headers.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Organize imports.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Add missing properties.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Add “force insert” checkbox.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Fix a wrong i18n property name.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Store the scanned files in the list.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Override toString() for simple displaying it in a List.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t insert a redirect if force-insert is set.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Clear force-insert flag after successful insert.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Add temporary force-insert flag.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Rename method to better describe the purpose.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Search for known files correctly.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Only copy the current hash to the last insert hash...
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t remove the last insert hash when not inserting...
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Always set the current hash when inserting.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Fix loading of projects.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Store and load last insert edition.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Log decision to insert a redirect.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Use last insert edition for redirect.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Set the last insert edition of all inserted files after...
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Store the edition of the last insert of a file.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Load and save last insert hashes.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Don’t update the progress bar if the progress is 0.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Return some unnecessary stuff.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Use ScannedFile.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Copy hashes after the project has finished inserting.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Calculate hashes when scanning files.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Stop updater when the connection is interrupted.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Add method to copy the hashes after a project was inserted.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Add last insert and current hash to file options.
2012-03-17 David ‘Bombe... Remove file containers and edition replacements.
2012-03-16 David ‘Bombe... Use the “default” manifest putter because it’s actually...
2012-03-16 David ‘Bombe... Add possibility to choose a manifest putter for an...
2012-03-16 David ‘Bombe... Prevent NPE when URIGenerated message comes too late.
2011-11-04 David ‘Bombe... Revert "Set the EarlyEncode flag on insert."
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Set the EarlyEncode flag on insert.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Reset edition if the keys were changed.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Reformat javadoc.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Verify that the default location is valid.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Fix HTML in dialog.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Rename option.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add title to confirmation dialog.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add title to confirmation dialog.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Unify copyright file headers, update years to include...
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add javadoc.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Turn ok-cancel dialog into yes-no-cancel dialog.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add German translation.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Show name and location of configuration file to be...
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add options for configuration file location.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Locator for the configuration file.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add JAR file location preferences on preferences page.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Locate the configuration file on startup.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add accessors for the configuration file location.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add enumeration for location of the configuration file.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Add a comment.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Change selected node when the port number changes.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Deleting the selected node will now selected another...
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Prevent deletion of the last node.
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Only allow files in the root directory to be selected...
2011-11-03 David ‘Bombe... Set an error code if project was not inserted successfully.
2011-07-09 David ‘Bombe... Ignore “build” and “dist” directories.
2011-06-09 David ‘Bombe... Throw an exception when the node is not connected.
2011-06-09 David ‘Bombe... Actually use debug flag for javac task.