# English language file by David Roden <droden@gmail.com>
+# Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly.
+# However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat
+# (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html)
+# and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the
+# case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these
+# lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice,
+# otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced!
jsite.main.already-running=<html><b>jSite is already running</b><br><br>A lock file has been found that suggests that another<br>instance of jSite is already running. Running multiple instances<br>of jSite is guaranteed to break your configuration.</html>
# German language file by David Roden <droden@gmail.com>
+# Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly.
+# However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat
+# (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html)
+# and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the
+# case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these
+# lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice,
+# otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced!
jsite.main.already-running=<html><b>jSite läuft bereits!</b><br><br>Es wurde festgestellt, dass jSite bereits läuft. Das kann<br>zu Beschädigungen an der Konfiguration führen.</html>
# French language file by Florent Daignière <nextgens@freenetproject.org> and Julien Cornuwel <batosai@batosai.net>
+# Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly.
+# However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat
+# (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html)
+# and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the
+# case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these
+# lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice,
+# otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced!
jsite.main.already-running=<html><b>jSite est déja lancé!</b><br><br>Ne faites pas tourner plusieurs instances<br> sous peine de perdre vos fichiers de configuration !</html>
# Italian Language file by Luke771 <luke771@gmail.com>
+# Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly.
+# However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat
+# (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html)
+# and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the
+# case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these
+# lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice,
+# otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced!
jsite.main.already-running=<html><b>jSite è già in funzione</b><br><br>E' stata rilevato un 'lock file' la cui presenza suggerisce che un' altra<br>instanza di jSite è già in funzione. Lanciare istanze multiple di jSite<br>garantisce rpoblemi con la configurazione.</html>
# Polish language file by xpdf <xpdf@wp.pl>
+# Attention, translators! Most of the strings here are used directly.
+# However, some of them are parsed by MessageFormat
+# (http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/text/MessageFormat.html)
+# and thus have to adhere to some rules (check the URL above). This is the
+# case when a line contains placeholders like {0} or {0,number}! In these
+# lines single quotes (ASCII 39) needs to be escaped by entering them twice,
+# otherwise the placeholder will not be replaced!
jsite.main.already-running=<html><b>Program jSite zosta\u0142 uruchomiony</b><br><br>Plik blokady zosta\u0142 znaleziony co sugeruje, \u017ce jeszcze jedna<br> instacja tego programu jSite jest uruchomiona. Jesli u\u017cyjesz kilka instancji tego <br>programu to zapewniam, ze zniszczysz sobie konfiguracj\u0119.</html>